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Large marginal block from the upper left corner of the sheet. MNG as typical. A scarce multiple. Couple of hinge remnants to reverse. Small area of selvedge missing from upper left corner.$70.00
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Four margin imperf pair with expertizer's mark to reverse. Hinge remnant.$325.00
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Perforate horizontal pair of the tete beche variety, found only in postions 10 and 103. This example is 103 (the left hand stamp). Lovely example with full gum.$120.00
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A large unmounted mint block of fifty stamps, comprising a half sheet. ABNC imprint in the upper selvedge. A few pencil noatations and hinge remnants on the selvedge only.$70.00
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Scarce block of the 1893 engraved printing. Light toning and two small hinge remnants.$70.00
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Block of four of the '86 litho printing in yellow brown, marginal with partial imprint. Excellent gum with two tiny hinge remnants. Pencil notation in the selvedge. Blocks of the 1886 Quetzals are scarce.$165.00
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Complete sheet of one-hundred of the 1921 SEIS overprint, less two stamps and the top margin. The surcharge is positioned to allow 'Centavos' to remain visible.$50.00
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An unmounted mint block of twelve stamps, displaying the 'Corriente' overprint.$55.00
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An unmounted mint block of twenty stamps, displaying the 'Corriente' overprint.$260.00
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Complete sheet of one hundred plate proofs on gummed paper with an upright, vertical watermark (likely to be an original printing). Vertical crease between the final column, minor tears to the selvedge only plus a few hinge remnants to the selvedge.$250.00
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Full sheet of one hundred plate proofs on ungummed, unwatermarked paper, as printed. Central vertical paper fold. Note: Seebeck issues are thought to have been printed on up to eleven original papers and seventeen reprint papers. Assume a reprint paper unless stated otherwise.$160.00
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Unmounted mint block of forty plate proofs from the top of the sheet. On gummed, unwatermarked paper, depicting an Ocean Steamship. Hamilton Bank Note imprint on the selvedge. Light toning and vertical crease down the last column. Three hinge remainders on the upper selvedge only. Note: Seebeck issues are thought to have been printed on up to eleven original papers and seventeen reprint papers. Assume a reprint paper unless stated otherwise.$140.00
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Unmounted mint corner block of thirty plate proofs on gummed, unwatermarked paper, depicting Mount San Miguel. Hamilton Bank Note imprint on the selvedge. Light toning and gum crease, not visible from the front. Note: Seebeck issues are thought to have been printed on up to eleven original papers and seventeen reprint papers. Assume a reprint paper unless stated otherwise.$30.00
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Marginal pair, imperforate on all vertical sides. Pencil notation to reverse.$30.00
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Ocean Steamship pair, imperforate on all vertical sides. Hinge remnant and pencil notation.$30.00
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Hinge remnants and pencil notation to reverse.$30.00
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Pencil notation to reverse.$30.00
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Marginal pair, imperforate between on the top stamp and imperforate top and bottom on the lower stamp. Small hinge remnants.$30.00
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Pencil notation to reverse.$35.00
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Marginal pair with Hamilton Banknote imprint. Vertical imperforate on both sides for the left hand stamp and imperf between for the right hand stamp. Pencil notation.$190.00
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Unmounted mint multiple of twenty-eight stamps. A few tone spots.$45.00
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Corner marginal unmounted mint multiple of twenty-five stamps. Some foxing around the selvedge.$775.00
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Complete set in unmounted mint blocks of four. Only 2,000 sets printed. Attractive and scarce as blocks.$80.00
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Corner marginal strip of three displaying a tete beche center stamp from the top of the sheet. Pencil mark on the selvedge. Scarce.$65.00
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A fine corner marginal block of the 50c value with immaculate gum. Scarce as a multiple.$65.00
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A very nice strike of the violet Santo Domingo Franca handstamp on a pair of the one centavo value. Used multiples are scarce.$290.00
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One of the key items of mid-period Cuba. Only 2500 sheets printed. A couple of trivial tone spots.$50.00
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Only 7,500 of each sheet printed.$80.00
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The remainders of the C33 sheets were actually overprinted in 1951, although Scott puts a footnote after C33 in 1940. Only 3,500 were issued.$145.00
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Fresh MNH blocks with only the 50c value not being marginal. Only 4,500 sets overprinted.$890.00
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Granadine Confederation 5c lilac (Scott 10a) with four margins, paying the single rate for a short distance, on entire letter from the sub-post office of Jiron to Floridablanca. Stamp tied by a fine strike of red 'Jiron./Franca.' oval handstamp. An elusive cancellation, probably unique used on a stamped cover. Minor edge splitting and some toning. A rare single franking with only two covers recorded. Colomphil Certificate 2006, signed Dieter Bortfeldt. Ex. Frolich.$95.00
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An unmounted mint multiple of the 1888 Arms issue. Minor gum crease on the two top right stamps.$95.00
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A large unmounted multiple of the 1888 Arms issue.$490.00
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A near complete Perkins Bacon proof sheet on ungummed paper. Originally a sheet of 100, this is the largest known multiple, with Plate 3 indicator to upper right. A few small tears to the left-hand selvedge not affecting the proofs.$490.00
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Perkins Bacon proof sheet on ungummed paper. Originally a sheet of 100, this is the largest known multiple.$50.00
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A superbly centered, unmounted strip of four with marginal ABNC imprint. 1892 printing in a dark gray-green shade.$125.00
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One of the two major flaws in the sheet. Position 68, showing either a retouch or damage around the EG of FUEGO. Unmounted block of four showing the flaw on the upper-left stamp.$70.00
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Fresh strip of four on piece with two double ring Jundiahy (Jundiai) cancellations, dated July 1886. RHM 64 'Quadras'.$490.00
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A fresh pair, previously lightly mounted.$95.00
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Vertical pair with double cork cancels showing part ABNC imprint at base. RHM puts a 30 x premium (!) on the 80r value as a pair, so I presume multiples must be infrequently found.$75.00
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Fresh blocks mounted on album page with a single hinge per block, i.e. 3 x MNH per block.| /
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Scarce as a multiple of eight. Hinge remnants on two stamps, slight toning.| /
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Both red surcharged issues in MNH blocks. Note how the depth of overprint is much heavier in the 11.5 x 12 issue.$45.00
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Incomplete perfs to lower vertical sides. One stamp MNH.$25.00
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One stamp MNH, the other LM Mint.$160.00
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Uncatalogued in Scott but listed as 457a-462a in Cefilco. No 1.40 Bs. One stamp MNH, the other LM Mint.$35.00
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Distinctive inverted V shaped plate flaw to bottom right stamp. Lighly mounted in the selvedge only.$25.00
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Horizontal imperf pair variety. Not listed in Scott. Cefilco 450a.